Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Are carbohydrates bad?

So....ARE carbohydrates bad? 

Absolutely NOT!!!

The Atkins, South Beach and other low carb diets have led many people to believe carbohydrates are bad, cause us to gain flab and essentially are the single cause of obesity.

Don't fall for it people!!!!

Carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet!!

The key is to choose the RIGHT KIND of carbs.  Some suggestions of good carbohydrates are....whole grains (be sure the 1st ingredient listed is "whole grain"), brown rice, bulgur, quinoa, whole fresh fruits and beans. 

Remember, carbohydrates provide our bodies with the necessary fuel for physical activity and proper organ function. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Core Strength - What does it mean to you?

Lets start by discussing what core muscles are. 

Core muscles are the muscles forming around the trunk of your body....your abdomen, obliques (sides) and your mid and lower back muscles.  Some of your core muscles are visible....but most are deep tissue muscles layered underneath. 

All day, every day, we are using our core muscles to some degree.  Sitting in your office chair (hopefully with proper posture), standing, get the idea.  The only exception, the only time your core muscles are totally relaxed is when you are laying flat on your back. 

The more developed your core muscles are, the better prepared your body will be to prevent injury (ie; lower back pain) and perform daily functions with ease.  You see, when core muscles are weak, engaging them feels like hard work....and over time, the muscles become imbalanced and create deviations in the spine.  The result??  Often times its chronic back pain or injury. 

Exercises to strengthen your core can include side bends (for the obliques), back extensions and crunches. 

Watch for future updates from FullTilt Fitness Training for more ways to strengthen your core....and the rest of your body.

Monday, April 2, 2012

What’s up with Soy?
Lately I’ve notice that more and more people are asking for and buying soy products. Soy milk, soy burgers, soy nuts…..
If it’s because of an intolerance to dairy, or that a person wants to reduce or eliminate meat from their diet….I suppose I get that.
But…did you know that mock meat has been compared to processed deli meats and sausage? This is due to the fact that tofu is highly processed.
Did you know that soy milk is very (and I stress very) high in sugar? This product too, is highly processed.
Sun chips and soy nuts are touted as healthy. Did you know that these snacks are not only highly processed but nutritionally deficient and usually packed with refined (trans) fat?
My point here is not to bash soy products…my point today is to bring to your attention, that highly processed foods are not what nature intended. BUT, by being educated about the products we buy and use – and by applying the concept of moderation to our diets, we can live a healthier and leaner life. And that’s what it’s all about. :)