Monday, November 19, 2012

It's Not Just For Kids

The hoola hoop, originally introduced in 1958 has come a long way.  What began as a fad has now become a world championship sport. 

To spice up your weight loss program, try incorporating a hoola hoop.  It’s definitely a fun way to work your abs, get your heart rate up and burn some calories. 

You can purchase an inexpensive one at your local toy store for around $5 or up the ante and buy yourself a weighted hoola hoop for $20.  If you have never used a hoola hoop, or its been years since you have, remember this tip when shoppin;, the lighter the hoop the longer you will be able to work out with it – which means you will use more oxygen and burn more fat.  So heavier is not always better. 

Have fun!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Standing Calf Raises

I love to see well developed calf muscles and this move, although simple, is an effective way to strengthen and tone these muscles.

If you need, you can stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall to maintain your balance.  Otherwise if you feel comfortable, I encourage you to try this exercise without the assistance of a wall.    

*                      Stand straight, with your feet approximately shoulder width apart (not too wide apart) – Feet      flat on the floor
*                      Lift your heels from the floor, until your weight is primarily on the balls of your feet
*                      Hold this position to the count of 5
*                      Lower your heels back to the original position
*                      Repeat!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ball Pass Exercise Targets Lower Abdominal Muscles

This exercise is a variation from the standard “crunch”.  It strengthens your abdominal muscles and your lower back muscles, while improving your balance and coordination.  The Ball Pass involves passing a stability ball from your hands to your feet by lifting your body to form a “v”.
To perform this exercise at home, or in the gym, you will need the use of a stability ball and a flat area to lie on. 
  • Begin by placing the stability ball between your feet, holding the ball at its midpoint
  • Lie on your back, still holding the ball between your feet and extend your arms over your head
  • Lift your head and shoulders bringing the ball over your head.  You will simultaneously lift your legs and pass the ball from your legs (feet) to your hands. 
  • Lie back down holding the ball in your arms which are once again extended over your head
  • Repeat the movement and pass the ball from your hands to your feet, and lie back down