Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today's Exercise is the Standing Lunge

The Technique
To perform a Standing Lunge, you will begin with your feet together standing straight and tall.  Step forward with your right leg firmly planting your foot on the floor and shift your weight into the lead foot.  Bend your right knee so that your right thigh is parallel with the floor.  Do not extend your knee over your toes and don’t go any lower than your strength will allow.  Then push yourself back into the starting position, but push with your heel….not the ball of your foot.  During this entire move, your back will be straight….don’t lean forward or backwards and keep your head up.  
The Benefit
The primary muscle group worked by the lunge is the quadriceps on the front of your thigh.  Other muscles involved include the hamstrings, gluteus maximus, calves, hip adductors and muscles stabilizing your hips, torso and spine.  Longer lunges will emphasize the activation of the gluteus maximus, whereas short lunges will emphasize activation of the quadriceps. 
The Repetitions
I suggest you perform 10 reps on your right leg first, then perform 10 reps with your left leg.  Do this for a total of 3 times (sets).

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