Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Onward and Upward!

I used to have a list of 45 ideas pinned on my bulletin board.  I looked at that list every day.  It motivated me and helped keep me on task with my business and personal lives.  Then I moved, and the list got packed away and I forgot about it. 

Today I re-discovered this wonderful list and I’m going to share a portion of it with you.  I hope you find some of these thoughts helpful and maybe motivating J

·         When in doubt….give more back
·         Appreciate your clients
·         Be a value ADDER not a value EXTRACTOR
·         Set goals
·         Set MASSIVE goals
·         Be specific with your goals and dreams
·         Dream big
·         Ask “why” often
·         Create good daily habits
·         Genuinely thank ten people a day
·         Reject fear, greed and doubt
·         Fail forward
·         Believe in yourself
·         Surround yourself with successful people
·         Laugh a lot
·         Step outside your comfort zone
·         Expect more of YOURSELF
·         Watch where the crowd is going and go the opposite way

To Your Health,
Michelle Turner
FullTilt Fitness Training

Water, Water Everywhere.......and not a drop to drink


Were you aware that water accounts for approximately 60 percent of your body weight?  It’s true.  And your organs greatly depend on water to function properly and efficiently.  

Lack of water can lead to dehydration. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.  Have you ever noticed that around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, you start to feel a little sluggish?  Try drinking a glass of water instead of munching on a snack. 

The amount of water a person drinks depends on each individual.  If you are very active, you might need 11-8oz.  glasses of water per day.  If you are less active, you might only need 9-8oz. glasses of water. 

So drink up people!!  Your body will thank you!!
To Your Health,
Michelle Turner
FullTilt Fitness Training

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tuesday and Thursday Mornings!

Are you or anyone you know looking for a personal trainer?  If so, I currently have an opening for Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  And the BEST part is I come to you! 

  • Get the body you want without ever leaving your home
    • Experience a full workout in the space you have

    You don't need to join a gym to get in shape. In fact, the gym can be an impediment to getting in shape. The crowds, waiting for equipment, the intimidation, the commute.

    No matter how much or how little space you have, I will help you get the body you want without stepping foot in a gym.

    Michelle Turner, Certified Personal Trainer and President of FullTilt Fitness Training, creates custom training plans for strength, fat loss, aerobic fitness and sports performance.

    Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced, Michelle will give you a full-body workout at home.
    Contact me at michelle.trnr@gmail.com or call me at 727-418-9127.

    I posted this once before, but feel its worthy of being repeated

    The “Old School” Push up 

    Remember doing push ups in gym class?  Few movements incorporate so many muscle groups; your chest, shoulders, arms, abs, back and leg muscles are all working together to make this move happen.  There are many variations to the standard push up to challenge your body.  But for today, lets just focus on “old school”.  

    How to Do a Perfect Push Up

    ·         Get on the floor and position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.

    ·         Raise your body up so you are balanced on your hands and toes.

    ·         Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe without sagging in the middle or arching your back.

    ·         Your feet can be close together or a bit wider depending upon what is most comfortable for you.

    ·          Keep a tight core throughout the entire push up.

    ·         Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle.

    ·         Exhale as you begin pushing back up to the start position

    ·         Don't lock out the elbows; keep them slightly bent.

    Thursday, May 2, 2013

    Saturday Morning Exercise Class

    I’m Taking the Group Training Outside!!!!

    Do you live in North Tampa?  Come join us!!

    Every Saturday morning from  8:00am until 9:00am

    This is an all levels one hour group fitness class that will be held on the field next to the Oakstead clubhouse (3038 Oakstead Blvd., Land O’ Lakes)

    The Total Body Fitness Class incorporates movements that will:

    • Get your heart rate up!
    • Tone, strengthen and challenge your muscles!
    • Burn fat!
    • Get you fit!

    The exercises will include:

    Stretching – natural, strength stretching techniques to help with your joints, muscle strength and flexibility.
    Core (abs and back) exercises – movements designed to strengthen, shape and tone your mid section, front and back.
    Upper body strength training – natural whole body routine targeting chest, arms and shoulders.
    Legs and butt - exercises that will help tone, define and strengthen ALL parts of your legs and behind.
    And other exercises meant to get your heart rate up and burn fat like jumping, short distance running, hula hooping, cone and ladder obstacle course, fitness ball exercises and more.

    Only $5 per person for one hour of fun, fitness and fresh air!

    Bring plenty of water to drink and a yoga mat if you have one.   If not I have mats you can use.

    See you there!!!