I recently read an editorial from a well known fitness magazine. The writer blasted people that work out for the sole purpose of looking good. According to the writer, we the people should workout to improve our athleticism and win medals. Examples given of what he considers athleticism were; "snag a loose ball, shake someone on defense or beat someone off the dribble". He asks "what’s the point of looking like an athlete if you can't perform like one"?
Perhaps then I should stop working with free weights or performing total body movements or running. Or HECK...STOP WORKING OUT ALL TOGETHER! I certainly don't have any intention of being an athlete. What was I thinking?!
I assumed building muscle, improving my bone density and strengthening my heart were all GOOD reasons for working out. And if my rear-end isn't dragging on the ground, that's a BONUS!
All sarcasm aside....the young man that wrote this editorial, missed the boat. We all are not football, baseball or basketball players. Most of us are moms, dads, sisters, brothers...regular life.
Exercise and good eats is a lifestyle. It's about treating your body well and preparing it for the rigors of getting older. Not necessarily for the next game.
Wanting to look good is not a sin nor shameful. Having six pack abs or mountainous biceps is an awesome thing. Do they make you run faster? Probably not. But who cares?
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