Friday, August 16, 2013

For Girls Only


Here's something I tell every gal I talk to.....Being skinny does not mean you are fit, nor does it mean you are healthy for that matter. It means you're skinny, that's all.

We women have more fat in our body than muscle. Because we have less muscle our metabolic rate is slower, which means we are going to burn less calories than a man. Yes, even if you are doing the identical workout and the same amount of exercise as your counter part.

Lets also consider that a woman has a smaller body frame than a man and has a reproduction system that allows her to carry and nourish babies. These factors can ultimately cause your body to hold more fat stores.

One of the first things you need to stop doing ladies is jumping on these ridiculously low calorie diets that basically send your body into a starvation state of mind which only makes it more difficult for your body to burn calories and lose weight. Its not about 'when" you eat, it's what you eat that is more important. Eating smaller meals (5 or 6, will vary depending on the woman) throughout the day will keep your metabolism rev'd up and going strong. You also will need to insert strength training into your workout routine to maintain the muscle you do have.

If you have any questions about this or any other fitness questions, please give me a call or shoot me an email.
To Your Health,
Michelle Turner
FullTilt Fitness Training