Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Multivitamins are no good??

In yesterdays Wall Street Journal, it was reported that Multivitamins are found to have little benefit. In reading further, the clinical trials focused on cognitive functions and cardiovascular health. You can find the report in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Four physicians even went so far as to say that the use of multivitamins are not justified and should be avoided.

As a person that does take multiple vitamins daily, I'm not about to stop. Granted, I don't use multivitamins. I put together a mix of C, D, E and A. More of an antioxidant formula, if you will. But I like my formula and I'm going to continue with this routine.

Personally, I'm not expecting my cognitive function to improve. Nor am I expecting my heart to be healthier because I down a few vitamins.

Scientific studies have shown that as we age, cognitive functions don't decline as drastically when we regularly exercise (versus those that don't exercise). Studies have also shown that exercise helps our cardiovascular health.

So doesn't it just make sense that a combination of exercise, clean eating and yes vitamins is what we should do daily for our overall health? Be it cognitive, cardiovascular, bone and muscular strength?

I encourage you to all draw your own conclusion, but I was compelled to share my two cents.........

To Your Health,


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

There is a reason why it's called "Personal Training"

There is a reason why it's called "Personal Training"

In my experience, clients view me as their friend, someone who can give them the support and encouragement they need on their road to a healthier and fitter life. The internet may be able to answer just about any fitness question, but it cannot replace the emotional, mental and physical support that I as a trainer provide. The web doesn't give my clients the encouragement needed when the training gets tough. They need someone to lean on, cry to. Someone to push them, to motivate them.

I believe I relate and socialize in a way that allows my clients to feel supported and validated while helping them improve their physical conditioning.