Thursday, February 21, 2013

Seasonal Fruits

I am so excited because it’s that time of year again, when we Floridian’s can enjoy some fresh strawberries and cantaloupe! 

Did you know strawberries are high in vitamins and antioxidants?  And Cantaloupe offers you great dose of vitamin C.

I like to cut both fruits up and mix them together in a bowl for a yummy, healthy snack!  Give it a try! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today's Exercise is the Standing Lunge

The Technique
To perform a Standing Lunge, you will begin with your feet together standing straight and tall.  Step forward with your right leg firmly planting your foot on the floor and shift your weight into the lead foot.  Bend your right knee so that your right thigh is parallel with the floor.  Do not extend your knee over your toes and don’t go any lower than your strength will allow.  Then push yourself back into the starting position, but push with your heel….not the ball of your foot.  During this entire move, your back will be straight….don’t lean forward or backwards and keep your head up.  
The Benefit
The primary muscle group worked by the lunge is the quadriceps on the front of your thigh.  Other muscles involved include the hamstrings, gluteus maximus, calves, hip adductors and muscles stabilizing your hips, torso and spine.  Longer lunges will emphasize the activation of the gluteus maximus, whereas short lunges will emphasize activation of the quadriceps. 
The Repetitions
I suggest you perform 10 reps on your right leg first, then perform 10 reps with your left leg.  Do this for a total of 3 times (sets).


We are now 51 days into the new year.  Are you still focused on exercising and eating right?  If you are, I extend a hearty congratulations for sticking to your goals! However, if you have fallen off the new years resolution bandwagon, let me offer you this advice.

Write, or re-write (which ever the case might be) your ultimate goal.  For instance, “lose 20 pounds by summer”, is your ultimate goal.  Awesome!  So, how do you make this goal a reality? The first step will be to break the ultimate goal down into smaller easily attainable goals.  Nutrition is something you can tweak.  So, take a look at what you consume each day.  Let’s say you drink 6 diet colas a day and eat at a fast food restaurant 3 times a week. The first attainable goal will be to reduce your cola consumption in half and replace those sodas with water.  The second attainable goal will be to reduce your fast food intake to 1 time a week.  Find a healthier alternative if packing a lunch is not your thing. All of our grocers now offer ready to eat meals that are tasty and healthy.   

Then, take a look at your exercise program.  Oh, you don’t have one?  I suggest you start by going for a walk. Not a saunter through the neighborhood picking daisies either.  A serious fast walk.  Write this down on your attainable goal list, “I will walk for 30 minutes 3 times a week”.   

As the weeks pass, and you are meeting your smaller goals, I encourage to up the ante and challenge yourself.  Decrease the soda intake a little more, totally drop fast food from your culinary choices and increase your walks to 45 minutes. 

When you meet or exceed your smaller goals, the larger goal becomes so much more attainable and realistic. 

And remember, if you have exercise or nutrition questions, I would be thrilled to offer you some free advice.  You can contact me via the contact page at or call me at 727-418-9127.

Yours Truly,

Certified Personal Trainer
FullTilt Fitness Training

Friday, February 15, 2013

Total Body Exercise Group

It's time again for the Total Body Exercise Group on the Beach!!!

Tomorrow (February 16th) at 8:00am, I will be conducting my total Body Exercise Group located on beautiful Indian Shores. If you live in the vicinity I invite you to come join the group! The cost is only $5.00 per person.

The class will last between 45 minutes to an hour and you will perform a plethora of total body exercises, core strengthening movements along with some cardio and stretching. You will use most, if not all of your muscles during this session.

The address is 186th Ave West, just off Gulf Boulevard in Indian Shores (between Redington and Indian Rocks). There is free parking on the access street and across Gulf Boulevard. RSVP via email, or text me at 727-418-9127.

I look forward to seeing some new faces tomorrow!!!

Medicine Ball Walkover

Today’s exercise, The Medicine Ball Walkover is similar to a traditional push up, except it engages many more muscles due to the single arm load and the uneven surfaces. 

Begin by placing the ball in front of you.  Get into a plank position, similar to the traditional push up, with both hands on the ball and your feet out behind you.  Remove your right hand from the ball and set it on the floor to the right of the ball.  Shift the weight of your upper body over to your right arm.  Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down towards the top of the ball.  Push back up to the starting position placing both hands once again on the ball. Remove your left hand from the ball and set it on the floor to the left of the ball.  Again, slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down towards the top of the ball. That is one repetition.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Are you still on track with your fitness goals?

Has your New Year exercise program fallen a little off the wayside? Let me help you stay on

 track!! I will prepare a workout tailored to you and give you the push to exceed your goals. 

I can come to you or you can come to Burn Fitness located at 7218 Central Ave. A one 

month training package costs as little as $360. Call me today!!!! 727-418-9127